Sámi Journalist Award 2022
Mii lea buoremus sámi journalisttalaš buvttadeapmi jagis 2022? Evttot dál ja oza sámi journalistabálkkašumi.
Journalisttalaš buvtta galgá leat buvttaduvvon gaskkal ođđajagimánu 1. beaivvi 2022 - Juovlamánu 31. beaivvi 2022. Eará njuolggadusat ohcamii leat ahte: Bargu lea sámegillii ja sámi/álgoálbmot fáttás. Buot lágan journalisttalaš bargguid ovddas sáhttá oaččut bálkkašumi. Áigemearri ohcat bálkkašumi lea ođđajagimánu 9 beaivvis guovvamánu 9 beaivái 2023. Jurys leat 4 lahttut. SJS stivrras ii leat sadji jurys. Sámi journalisttaid searvi lea várren 20`000 ruvnno 2022 sámi journalistabálkkašupmái. Jury árvvoštallá ohcamušaid vuođul ahte addá go ovtta bálkkašumi vai juohká go supmi moatti bálkkašupmin. Don sáhtát ieš evttohit du dehe du joavkku buktaga. Doaimmahusat sáhttet maid sáddet evttohusaid. Don deavddat ohcan/evttohasskovi ja sáddet dan deike: [email protected] |
What is the best sámi journalistic work year 2022?
Now it is time to nominate yours or your organization's work. The journalistic work that will be judged to the award needs to have been published between January 1 and December 31 2022. Other rules for the entry are: The work is in sámi language, the work has a sámi or indigenous topic, all kinds of journalistic works can be awarded. Submission of nominations is open between January 9 and February 9 2023. Sámi Journalisttaid Searvi have reserved 20 000 kr for the 2022 Sámi Journalist Award. The jury considers whether they award one work or whether they will divide the sum in several awards. The jury consists of four judges. SJS board members do not have a seat in the jury. You can choose to nominate your own or your organization's work. Organizations are also allowed to nominate journalists or organizations. To enter the award you answer the questions in the nomination form and send it to: [email protected] |